Sunset Sketches of a Little Country

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Root of the Problem with Government in Canada.

It really is a Horror to be 'Out of Time", particularly when The World you thought you knew and now must be a part of has gone mad in the meantime.
That's maybe not the quite correct term these days, but to a man who has jumped ahead over 60 years in one giant leap, the magnitude of the changes that have been wrought, makes me uneasy all over and sometimes shudder to the bone.

Socially, the world has gone truly upside-down and inside-out! This IS still Canada, but there scant resemblance to the politely reserved, British-style society. Everyone is everywhere and in such a rush. There seems now to be no need for pleasantries and no time for respect, just dogged determination to take care of one's own best and immediate interests.

Ah well, more on that later, for today's edition I've found a more fundamental point to discuss.

Edward's first catching-up selection for me-the perfect thing actually - was a short history of Canada since the Second Great War. From this slim, Queen's Printer published volume I have gleaned the essence of what has changed in the time I 'was away'.

You "Crazy Canucks" (another wee joke) have turned your perfectly suitable government system on its head - the top is at the bottom and the least is considered most.

Let me illustrate and explain by a comparison with large corporate business.

Corporate Model --Canada as Designed--- Canada 2005

The Owner -----The Queen-in-Council -------Prime Minister

Chief Exec Officer ----Governor General ---------Prime Minister

Bd of Directors ----Privy Council---PrivyC. comprised of Inner Cab.

Vice Presidents -----Cabinet Gov't -------Enormous Cabinet

Line Managers -----Senate -----Gov't Dominated Committees

Union Reps -----Members of Commons ----Members of Commons

Employees -----The Voting Public --------------The Voting Public
The whole delicately balanced system to "divide the power" and create double-checks on any one person or party getting carried away with power has been step-by-step undermined.
The Queen is thought of as an anachronism and of no purpose.
The Governor General (even with full re-establishment of all its office's powers in 1947) is considered as much a frill as the Monarch.
The Senate place as Executive Councillors and its 'propertied class' purpose has been lost to inflation (the $4,000 net worth & property qualifications, just are not what they were in 1867).
The House of Commons is as riotously infantile as when C. D. Howe termed Question Period "the Children's Hour",
BUT now,
the lowly Commons is seen as the only legitimate legislative House.
The Prime Minister, having usurped the Governor General's Independent Advisors and subsumed the Vice Regal's power, is possessed of nearly un-checked Executive Power.
Exactly what the original design was expected to forestall.
And now its Election time!
May we add to the organizational chart the Registered Political Parties?
They are nothing but 'piece-work scalawags from competing unions' trying any old trick to fool just enough folks into signing up with their crew and thereby wriggling themselves into the management mix -with not a penny of capital invested.
The Worst of this scandalous set of circumstances is that they now wriggle themselves directly into the Boss' chair - and no dear sole holds a place, post or position to countermand the rascals once they've taking over.
Can no one see? Has no one been watching?
Has the Emperor No Clothes?
Ah, dinner's ready, I'll see you next time.